Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Guinea Pigs

Steve grew up with guinea pigs and champions himself as a professional guinea pig owner :) Like all kids, our kids desperately wanted some type of pet, so we gave in. I have never been around guinea pigs, so they are sort of cute!? We bought two boys from the nearby shelter- and one of them must have had a tragic life because he had a heart attack every time we walked in the room. Sadly, while the kids were away with Steve, this guinea pig died and we were left with one.

Of course we couldn't be with one- so while I was away (!), Steve bought a girl guinea pig, and yes, they had babies.... 3 to be exact. And then, these guinea pigs had babies, and now we have NINE GUINEA PIGS?! Is this a nightmare? Well, yes it is- for me at least. They are now all outside- and I refuse to care for them- so their care is largely left to Maddie and Emilie and occasionally Steve- which has been a good lesson for them?

We need a professional guinea pig caretaker?! They generate a lot of poop...and with that comes flies !!!! More to come...

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