Monday, September 7, 2015

End of School Year 2015

Aren't these pictures just hilarious? But they are so young, adorable, and dang cute. This was Emilie's last kindergarten concert- and I was a baby like always and tried to hide my tears for I will miss this year!!

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Goodbye second grade, kindergarten and two year old preschool! (I was so so proud of these kids- Maddie got perfect scores in all of the categories on her report card- whaa? I didn't even know that was possible. Emilie improved by leaps and bounds in all areas and is excelling in reading even though she started out hating it, and Sebastian stopped biting (ha ha ha!), started sharing toys, and made lots of friends! Trite- but true- I am truly blessed to have each one of these souls in my life. They are a credit to our name. 

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