Sunday, August 29, 2010

110 euro shirts, pizza, Chateau de Vincennes, our anniversary, and an organ concert

Yesterday was our 11th anniversary- wowzars. Like everything, it feels like it has been so short, and so long! But- it is super cool that we were able to be in Paris to celebrate.

Steve and the girls went out and got flowers as a surprise and picked out their favorite bouquets. It was very cute :) Thanks Steve!
For the morning, we wandered around our neighborhood, played at park, and window shopped. We have been discussing "redoing" Steve's wardrobe a la "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," so we started looking for some dress shirts. There were lots of amazing shirts, but for $110-130 euro each, we couldn't stomach it. Maybe when we get back :)
This picture is of our favorite pizza place. We don't have very many hours left to devour it, so we couldn't help ourselves.

And, of course, some more macaroons and strawberry heaven.

For the afternoone, we decided to tour Chateau de Vincennes, a 14th and 17th century castle. In order to get in, you have to cross the enormous moat and drawbridge, which was super cool. I just can't imagine living in a time where there were moats and castles like this... so different from today. The grounds were gorgeous- we saw 2 bride/grooms followed by their photographers. Maddie loved the brides so much- she wanted me to take photos of her! Here she is:

We planned on staying there much longer and going to the lakes, but it was getting so cold- and I didn't have a sweater :( So, we called it a day and headed home on the bus which took a long time, but it is so relaxing to sit on a vehicle after walking everywhere for 1 month :)

Later that night, Steve and I went on a date to celebrate our 11 years at a cute little restaurant his coworker in Germany recommended. We had some delicious food and good conversation :) It was also pretty entertaining b/c we were crammed into some seats right by an Italian couple who were practicing their English with each other... and were saying some pretty hilarious things. ("It was a pleasure waking up with you this morning.") I was dying.

Today we woke up, went to church, and cooked. (Typical, right?) Today's menu was Kartoffelpuffer! Isn't that the funniest word ever?? When Steve and Chris came back from Berlin they told us about this amazing potato potato pancake, and of course we had to make them!

They were very yummy- and Chris made homemade applesauce, red currant jelly and peach marmolade. Wow. Very very good.

I have been wanting to hear an organ concert at the Notre Dame... and since this is our last Sunday, we had to go.

The composer was very into loud and low resonating notes, so although it wasn't "angelic," it was perfect for the surroundings of the Notre Dame.

The girls did pretty well... except when the organist would hit those low notes and Maddie would put her hands on her ears :)

An after concert photo shot. Tomorrow we're going to Disneyland Paris, so came home early to relax. (We rented Sneakers and Chris made virgin Mojitos).


Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary! A concert at Notre Dame sounds amazing! Your pizza place looks incredible. I'm glad you took pictures there because that is the sort of site you will want to remember. Have a blast at Disneyland! I am getting excited for you to come home!

The Carlii said...

Ally! I am dying over your pictures! This trip looks absolutely amazing! I can't believe you guys did it with the girls--someday you'll have to tell me how. Anyway, I miss you and hope you are well. Tell Steve hi!