Yesterday was one of those days you are greatful to have, so that you know that it can get better!?
Maddie woke up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason, and was very pouty and emotional, so that everything that didn't go her way was the worst thing in the world. I tried to ride the waves all day, but my patience was getting thin...
I won't bore you with the details of what else went wrong, but it was nice to put my head on my pillow by the end of the day and look forward to the next day.
I really need to work on 1) breathing and 2) patience. These are my new goals for the rest of the year. Mostly- patience. Like Steve Martin says "I come from a long line of over reactors."
On a happy note!! I am starting to plan and scheme about my 30th birthday party!! A friend suggested something that sounds like so much fun, but the details are still being worked on.
I think patience, breathing and the ability to laugh about things that don't relly matter make life a little easier as a mom. My mom would always say, "Nothing is ever as good as it seems and nothing is ever as bad as it seems." I think you are a WONDERFUL mom!! :)
I am sad you had such a BAD day last week! Let's definitely hang out this week and have fun! You are a super mom and are already VERY patient! Keep up the good work!
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