Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I am a big fan of Maddie's

I had a hunch when I was pregnant, that I wouldn't love the baby stage. I think this hunch rang true. Don't get me wrong- I love snuggling, staring at them in amazement etc, but I think my favorite stage of children is the toddler stage.

I absolutely love being a mom of a toddler. They are so curious, hilarious, and full of energy.

Maddie is obsessed with dish towels. Everyday after breakfast, she goes to our bin full of dish towels, picks her favorite ones, and plays with them for the next 30 minutes. She pretends to fold them, she puts them over her head, she walks around dragging them behind her, she puts them in her little car, and she screams when I don't let her take them out of the house.

During the day, as we go about whatever we are doing, she usually has a dishtowel. It is hilarious.

Maddie also used to say mom and dad. But- now it's just mom. Mom to everything. No matter how many times we tell her that Steve is Dad, she'll point to his chest and say Mom. And- she'll do it with enthusiasm. When Steve comes home, she gets really excited and starts saying Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom... Poor Steve!

At night, she loves going on walks because has discovered the moon. She points, stares, and of course says "mom" at the moon for 30 minutes (this is a lot for her). It is very cute.

And finally, she is now climbing almost every chair she can get her hands on. She climbs the dining room chairs so that she push anything off, and she climbs the computer chair, because she has a love affair with the keyboard and mouse. I was really concerned that she was going to fall, but I've seen her manuveur her little body so many times off the chair, that I just let her do it now.


Ashley said...

That is so funny about the dish towels. It's so fascinating how different boys and girls are even that young. Can't wait to go to the park again!

Lindsey said...

So funny! I bet Steve really enjoys being called mom.

unfortunately that cute toddler age ends too:( ...but they just get funnier when they can really communicate.