Steve is a chocoholic. I think I'm a saltaholic? Is that even a word?
If there was a plate of chocolate, and a plate of cheese puffs... you would see me with orange dust all over my fingers.
Have you tried the cheese puffs at Trader Joes? They are 1/2 fat of normal "Cheetos," but I'm afraid you make it up by eating twice as many.
Last night I pounded too many to even count. They are just too tasty for words.
After my little binge, I switched on the TV to check out a show that some of my friends (I won't name names... hee hee) swoon over. Before I continue, I have to admit that I did watch every single episode of the first Bachelor ever. But, let me just say, that things have changed!?
I couldn't watch it more than 5 minutes. It was just too much. Too blonde. Too dumb. Too fake. Too boring. My favorite line before I turned it off was from one of the girls who was sooo excited to get 5 minutes with the bachelor:
"I was just so excited to spend some time with him. I think he really got to know who I was. He saw that I was nice, cool, and got to see that I could hold my liquor."
Why do girls think that they have to be so dumb to be attractive? I think it's getting worse and worse. Who is feeding it? Men? Women? The media? They are all probably feeding eachother?
The Bachelor will lead to nothing good. You should really try "Dirty Sexy Money". Now that's a show that's great...and all of the people can hold their liquor, too. Stay classy ladies!
Haha love you post! I cant watch the actual reality tv(Bachelor/Survivor)- now if I find a Flavor of Love marathon, count me in:) I think bc the trashy ones are soooo far from reality (Hills anyone?) I dont take it seriously! I just cant watch the ones where they are so earnest, I just feel too bad for them!
ohhhh, i downed an entire bag of those cheesy delights during our november disney trip...
or was it 2 bags??
pure heaven.
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