Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Steve and I went to Tahoe this weekend with our old good friends. (Steve lived with all of the guys way back when). We had such a good time. We rented a cabin in North Shore, went sledding, sat in front of the fire, made snow forts, went skiing... it was the life. The snow is the best I've ever seen.

I could buy myself one of those sweet cabins. (yeah right)

A picture of the whole gang...

For babies, Maddie and Jackie (friend) did quite well in the snow. We pulled them around and they just sat there until they got too cold.

We had to put on chains on our way back- but it was well worth the trip. I want to go back!!!


Ashley said...

I love the colors in those pictures!

Tracy said...

Maddie looks too darling in that snow suit! :) Glad you had a great time.

teuscher travels said...

Maddie looks beautiful!! So glad you had fun, it is always great to get away from the real world every so often...the hard part is coming back!!

Lindsey said...

I meant to ask you about your trip yesterday (sorry I am lame). I am glad you had a fun time. Love the pics, kids look so cute bundled in snow gear...especially with eyes like Maddie's.