Friday, April 3, 2009


I haven't posted in a while because we have been trying to get our house ready for an appraiser to give us the big number on what he/she thinks our house is worth in this market so that we can refinance our loans and hopefully get a lower monthly payment and lock in... (that was a really long sentence).

But- the big things we have done is get sod in our front and back yards, put in the lights in the ceilings, and paint paint paint. The windows are DONE!!! HORRAY. It was a major effort, and I can't look too close because then I'll be too hard on myself. But, I have to remember, I'm not a professional... so they can't be perfect.

On other fronts- Maddie got a scooter that she has made 2 major wipeouts on already. (it will make her stronger!)

Emilie is an angel baby- she is sleeping around 6 hours a night, and basically has the cutest smile plastered on her face most of the time. (ok- she does cry, but she is adorable). We think she may be a talker because she can carry on a 1-2 minute cooing conversation with us about 4 times a day.

We are planning for a vacation. It may not be Greece, New Zealand, or Africa (all on our list before we die), but it will be so great. Seriously, staying in a hotel 3 blocks down sounds fabulous (if it has a pool)....


leakysieve said...

Check out ING for refi options. They keep treating us right!
good luck!

Kristine Gray said...

We are starting the refi process too. So fun!
Your house looks great by the way.

Matt and Joanna said...

I'm kind of laughing at your post because I really could copy and paste it into my blog. We're going through the exact same thing (except sod in the yard-I wish)! Good luck!