Sunday, February 3, 2013

Growing like a weed!

Sebastian came to us as a little little guy- something around 25% on the growth curve? Since then, every appointment at the doctors office has shocked all of us, first- it was 45%, then 65% and now 95%! This guy has grown proportionately and fast!! Everywhere we go people say how big he is getting, and we just shrugged our shoulders thinking that it was just what everyone said- but it is so true! This kid has been growing so fast! He is also just a body full of muscle... maybe the world Olympics 2022?

 He got this jumper for Christmas from Santa, and I'm so glad it came when it did- because when he's in the mood for it, he loves it!

 I love this pic for some reason...cute little emi.

Sebastian is the best kid. He is such a giggler- and definitely has his tickle spots. He loves squash and sweet potatoes, berries, but not green beans or peaches (well, we make him eat it, but they aren't his favorites for some reason.). He has started to roll front to back and back to front, and is starting to get his knee up when he's on his stomach.

He loves his sisters and screeches when they come and play with him. He loves chewing everything you give him- but has no sign of teething at all! With this chewing comes lots and lots of drool, which soaks every shirt you put on him, but we love him anyway :) He loves going outside, and loves getting pushed in his swing. His hair has a mind of it's own- and as a first, we've had to use hair product to tame it down :) He is sleeping pretty well and on good nights he'll sleep from 8 am to 7 am! But, of course there are some nights that he wakes up a couple of times a night. He is adorable, and we love him to death.


Miranda said...

He is so cute and getting so big! I can't wait for our boys to grow up and be BFF's!

Unknown said...

Felicidades a toda la familia por el bebé están bellas las fotos, soy Mafer de Ecuador por fa digale a Steven que si puede lea un mensaje que le deje en el facebook porque viajo para miami el 6 de marzo.
