Monday, February 4, 2013

Another kind of bucket list- don't try at home.

Since going to Cabo, I've been eating gluten , and lots of it. It is almost shameful and almost perverse, but if you haven't had gluten in almost 6 years, you will turn into an addict. And, that's what has happened. I almost cried when I ate a piece of bread, a flour tortilla, an oreo, a croissant, a pancake, pasta, gone to a restaurant and ordered whatever I wanted, noodles, pizza, pizza, pizza, lasagne, did I say pizza?, wheat thins, crackers, really, the list has been lengthy, but amazing, and I am just dreading the day that this all stops. 

I'm not sure you can really understand how awful it is when you really want something and you can't eat it, unless you have a similar food alergy. It get's easier, of course, but I have felt like a freed prisoner running on fresh cut grass for the first time. It has been glorious, and I could eat a baguette in one sitting, or 2 for that matter! 

My most guilty pleasure was a trip to the mall with Emilie where we ordered 1 croissant, 1 chocolate croissant, 1 ham and cheese croissant, a baguette, an apple crisp.... and I ate it all. ALL. Disgusting, right? Maybe, but amazing.

Do I feel bad? Mmm. The verdict is shady. 99% of the time no, but I have been feeling more tired, and I know my intestines haven't been happy... and I know a doctor will tell me that I need to stop so that I don't cause any long term damage blah blah blah. Yes- it will end, once I retest and finally reassure myself that I am indeed gluten intolerant, I'll stop, and start to buy the gluten replacement food that tries so very hard to replicate the real stuff, but just doesn't hit the mark. Until then, I will be gaining weight trying to eat as many crackers, bread, pasta, pizza, that I can stuff in my mouth until I feel sick.

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