Sunday, February 3, 2013

Grandma Sue's visit

Steve's mom came to visit for us last week and we had so much fun. We didn't go anywhere spectacular, but we made lots of memories just spending time with each other. The kids ate her up, especially Emilie who followed her everywhere and sat next to her playing with her new ipad, her paints, her sewing tricks... she was in heaven.

 Cute girls.

 We hit this jumpy place in the Milpitas mall for the first time, and the kids loved it.

We also had a "Christmas morning" for the second time- where I think they got just as many presents as the actual Christmas day (very spoiled!), but all from Grandma and Grandpa.

 Sebi trying out his new walker and toys...

 The weather has been dreamy- some days it felt like 75 degrees, so we had to get outside and try our luck at some kites. We had a picnic, and walked/biked and flew our little kite. It was super fun- I can still feel the sun on my back on our walk... so nice.

 Super cuties all around...

 Was a great kite flyer for her first time!

 Horsing around... that's what dads are great at, right!?

Not going to be able to do this for long...

Thanks for coming Grandma! Can't wait for you to come back!

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