Sunday, June 23, 2013

Our Wyoming and Utah vacation

I have been dying to visit Wyoming and basically invited ourselves to my friend's cabin! (Right, A?) It was so perfectly timed that we were able to spend a couple of days in Thayne, Wyoming and then drive just an hour to Bear Lake in Utah for Steve's family reunion.

To start our vacation off right, we took a plane ride to Phoenix, where Sebi threw up on me three times, waited in the Phoenix airport until 1 am because of a broken plane and touched ground in SLC at 2:30 am with throw up all over me and Sebi/Steve on their way with the stomach flu. Given the length of time of my throw up exposure, I was doomed... I woke up the next morning with stomach pains and aches only a flu can give. Even though we tried to keep our distance, we managed to not only infect Steve's sister, who then infected her mom, and the rest of 8 other family members, but every single one of our friends' family members in Wyoming! We felt so bad... what the? I guess we should have invested in face masks?

Aside from sickness, we honestly had a fabulous time including hours of just lounging in the sun watching the alfalfa grow, throwing rocks, horse back riding, kayaking, eating, talking, roasting marshmallows, dipping in the hot tub a couple of times a day... it was extremely relaxing and went by way to fast.

These photos uploaded totally out of order, but it's all here!

 We went on a great hike in the mountains surrounding bear lake... the hike was only 1 mile, perfect for the kids.

 Maddie and her cousin collected a bunch of caterpillars...

 The hiking clan.

 And a little friend.

 Bear lake can't be left without a shake.

 Back to Wyoming- this was our view from the cabin. I just love looking for miles and miles without anything but farmland... there is something therapeutic about it.

 Our clan went horseback riding without the husbands- thanks to them, we could go without the little ones. Bucket list- I want a horse. Really bad.
 Emilie wasn't scared at all! She mounted that enormous horse with a smile to match!

 Another natural... this horse was a little on the wild side, so one of the cowboys had to hold her horse on our ride, which Maddie wasn't too happy about- but it was better than being kicked off!

 Did I mention that I want a horse?
 I love crossing rivers on horse back- so cool.

 City slickers trying to roast some marshmallows..

 On our way to kayaking, we naturally hit some cow traffic. Some ranchers were herding cows for 10 miles up the road, and luckily they parted them so we could get through :)

 We have never driven so close to cows before. They practically had their heads in our window!


 The lake we drove to was perfect- the kids had a blast on all the boats/kayaks...

 Sebi seemed to enjoy himself, even though it was a bit exhausting to keep him away from the water, ants, dirt, etc. Camping with kids ain't so relaxing.

 Off to bear lake- we rented a ski jet and paddle board- so much fun!

 The beach at Rendezvous beach at Bear lake... kind of muddy, but the kids still loved it.

 Steve's family rented an awesome house on the beach- very cape cod like- I loved it. I dare say it made me like bear lake... there is sometime about a shower, a bed, fridge and hot tub that does wonders.

 This girl asked me to be in the hot tub every morning, afternoon and night. Who could blame her?

 Emilie just took to her little cousin- who knew? I'm not sure he liked being dragged around, but it was adorable!

 These little grumpy ol' men are a couple of months apart.

 Don't they look similar?

 Good times, right J?

 These two cuties were tied to the hip. My favorite Emilie quote, "Mom, I just love my new friend." Emilie! You are so lucky! She's not just your friend, she's your cousin!

 The clan during a dinner.

 The entire family minus N.... we missed you!

 An attempt to get a pic of the three little cousins.

 Bear lake with a long exposure.

 Long exposure, sky.

 Cool shot right? Thanks to P! This is at night!

 BFF and E.

We had a super great time. Can't wait for the next one!

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