Monday, June 1, 2009

Rome wasn't built in a day

So, I've taken on the task of painting the exterior of our house. It is a bit overwhelming, but it's getting done one stroke at a time. We finally picked the color- it's a green/gray color...and we'll paint the door black and do white trim. Then, maybe we can put in some plants and trees, and get a fence? That will be a good goal for the summer.
I actually look forward to my one on one time with the paintbrush. I'm outside enjoying the California weather, I'm working on something, I can actually have some time to think without the little critters, neighbors stop and say hello, I say "Hi" to the mailman everyday...
But, on the other hand, after about 1.5 hours, I put it away, and go inside.


Stephanie said...

It's going to look great!! Good job doing it on your own!

Matt and Joanna said...

Your house is beautiful! I absolutely love it. And, I love the color. It looks so similar to what we're going to paint our house. I think it's awesome you're painting it yourself with a "newish" baby!

Kristina said...

It looks incredible! I am so impressed.

Hayley said...

you go girl. EXCELLENT color choice. I prefer it way more than the browns. can't wait to come back & see it!

The Mostess said...

Cute. But do the neighbors approve?