Up until my adult life, I was a firm believer in the "equality" of sexes. I used to think that women and men were identical and that it was just "nurture" and not "nature" that made women and men act the way they do.
But- after being married for almost ten years, and being a mom of a little girl, I have to admit, that nature has more to do with it than I thought.
Steve is a wizard when it comes to building things, creating things, and is pretty darn strong. No matter how hard I try at these things, he will outdo me- every time. But, he is kind of oblivious to things that I find almost innate. It is at this time, where I am speechless. "You think what?" I just have nothing to say. It's almost as if he sees a blue apple when I see a red. He probably thinks the same of me.
Example #1: This morning we were asking Maddie what she wanted for breakfast. Steve is not really a traditional fellow, and often eats dinner leftovers for breakfast, which I find really weird- so he offered her lasagna from the night before. Of course I knew that Maddie would not eat lasagna for breakfast, but I let him try. The second he put the lasagna in front of her, of course the tears started coming and she refused to eat it. I gave her the normal oatmeal... and she was happy.
Is this the Y chromosome? Maybe not, maybe it's just a personality thing. But, here's another example...
Example #2: Maddie was having a hard day and having a two year old tantrum- so Steve decided that she need a time out and put her in her crib. With her shoes on. I got very upset because 1. her shoes were filthy, 2. I would have to clean all of her sheets and put new sheets on... which would take me forever. He thought I was crazy.
"How would you like me to put your shoes on your pillow?" I asked. He responded, "I wouldn't care, I would just wipe it off."
Wow. I just can't comprehend that.
Example #3: A while ago, I picked out all of the paint colors for each of the rooms for our house. He started to paint Maddie's room- which is a very faint pink. Later that night, he came home and said "the color that you picked for Maddie's room is way too much. I can't believe that you picked that color." Very worried, I rushed over to the house the next day and checked it out.
I almost started laughing. The reason it was "way too much" was because he painted the whole room pink. Including the ceiling!!!?? He had no idea that ceilings stay painted white.
But to his credit- I can be very irrational especially as I approach my 9 months of gestation!
As we finish our house, I can not fathom moving in without interior trim around our windows and doors. Is this necessary? Absolutely not- but if I don't have it, I just feel like I'm going to die! How irrational is that? So, I went to the trim store, bought a lot of trim, and will now attempt to put in all of the trim of our house as I am 8 months pregnant.
He thinks I'm crazy. And- perhaps I am.
But- that's why we're human. I really believe that there is something to the woman/man making each other whole concept. There is some sort of ying/yang that happens, where one lacks, the other makes up for it, and makes a solid unit.
I guess the trick is to hold your tongue when the opposite sex says something you find completely ridiculous and try to understand what they might be saying. And, if you can't understand it (which may be most of the time), pick your battles. It probably isn't worth it :)
this post is just more fuel to the fire that steve & tyler are VERY similar.
gotta love em!
let me know if maddie needs a play buddy while you construct your house :)
I agree with you on the first few items...ceilings, shoes, lasagna.
But I side with Steve on the doors and trim. I wouldn't care about that stuff enough to go and buy a bunch when I was 8 months preggo....
But you will win 3-1.
Well said, Alie. Thanks for offering food for thought.
I wonder if some of it is just a Leeflang thing...thanks for the laughs.
I have to say that this post made me realize that I'd probably get in more trouble than Steve does.
Ashley left for Utah just a couple hours ago and I've already set up an 7-foot golf net in our living room.
So here's one man's opinion on whether or not Steve deserves to be under that bus right now.
Dinner for breakfast: I'm not really into that, but it's not what I would consider a major offense. I wouldn't hesitate to give Charlie leftovers if I couldn't find his normal stuff.
Shoes in bed: Not an offense at all...IF they're not visibly dirty (shoes aren't dirty unless you can see the dirt). But, as you mentioned, these shoes WERE filthy. Assuming you didn't say that just for affect, then Steve's guilty as charged. Then again, this was time-out. Who takes time to remove shoes for time-out? I'll need to think about this one a bit more.
White ceilings: Having thought about the situation, I definitely agree that ceilings should be white. However, I could see myself making the same mistake. No punishment needed for this one.
Not moving in without trim: You're nuts. Seriously. You'd rather live in a tiny condo WITH trim than beautiful real home WITHOUT? If that's the case, can Ashley and I move into your house while you're finishing the trim?
Verdict? Most of these infractions are minor, at best. But I guess even parking tickets can land you in jail if you rack up enough of them. Tell Steve I've got a place on my couch if he needs a place to crash ;-)
I left you a comment under your stroller post :)
...and I COMPLETELY agree with this male/female conclusion!
Really... the ceiling?LOL!
Oh, and Louis thinks I'm obsessive because I think the sheets should be washed once a week.
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