For the first hour, the train seemed like it was going to be awesome, but as the air conditioning stopped, it got mighty warm, and not so awesome. Emilie and I walked to the other trains and tried to stay in the restaurant car as long as we could. For some reason, it was only our car that didn't have it!!
Half way inbetween, some teenagers hopped on and for the most part were pretty quiet (they were passed out with hangovers?), but then we heard "It'ssss aaaa Paaaaarrrrttttttyyyy," for 6 hours every 20 minutes. Let's say we were about to throw them off the train after the 50th time we heard it. Ah!
But, we did eventually get here, and it was worth it. We had dinner and walked home in a thunderstorm which was so refreshing. This part of Germany is beautiful and our hotel is perfect for the kids and for us (who have needed some time in the country before we head home.)
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