This morning we woke up, packed, cleaned and got on a train to Dresden! The train from Berlin to Dresden takes 2 hours, so it was relaxing just to sit down, get off the train and see a new place! Our hotel was 2 hours away from the "Zwinger Palace," so we decided to walk there after cooling off from all the sweat we had from pushing the luggage and kids around :)
We stopped by the lake/moat outside the palace to see the ducks.

The crowned gate that we entered into...

This poor city has gone through a lot- almost 95% of it was destroyed during bombings in WWII, so this palace and other buildings are slowly being rebuilt to their previous beauty. It is going to take a long time... but they are doing a great job!
This palace holds many art collections, and we decided to tour one- which had some beautiful paintings, and the art gods were on our side, because the girls decided to take a nap in their strollers while we went through the gallery. Whoo hoo!!
After the beautiful art, we sat down and had some milk shakes while the girls ran their hearts out in the couryard. It was just too picturesque--- seriously. Why don't we build this stuff anymore??

There were a lot of beautiful boats on the river, and the girls really really really wanted to ride them, but it was getting a bit late, and we hadn't eaten dinner... soo dinner won out :)

One of the streets that has most of the restaurants in town. We couldn't decide where to go, but finally decided on tapas- which was sooo yummy. Melon with prosciutto was my favorite.

The street from street view... with Steve/Chris/Audrey on the right!

Horses with carriages are everywhere, and did definitely attract lots of attention from our girls and were seriously thinking about getting one, but they are MUCHO euros, so we decided to pass...

We decided to take a family photo and Maddie decided to become Muslim? I'm not sure what was going on here, but she didn't want to take off this purple scarf, so we decided to let her keep it !!

Our angels.

A Dresden angel.

Gorgeous, right?
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