Castle Colberg was a great stay... a nice experience to stay in a castle, but I would say 1 day was enough because there wasn't much to do there. We walked around the grounds (they had roaming deer)... and played on the playground and started to head south.

This girlie really loves these teeter totters!

And always lov'n the swings.

We had a 4 hour drive from our castel to Basel (on the lowest border of Germany), so we decided to divide it in half and stop in Baden Baden (a spa town). Unfortunately, we didn't soak in any spas, but it was 100 degrees, so parked it on the grass and had a little picnic, and then walked around for a bit.

When we got into Basel, we were SO excited to see a little pool. Even though it was 100 degrees, though, it was supa cold, so Emi and I just watched Maddie swim a couple of laps.

These two are the best of friends- and have been angels for this trip. Every moment or pause of our walking, they stop and play, giggle, hold hands, dance. It has been a pleasure to travel with them.

This hotel was very cute- and had a great courtyard in the middle. I love this yellow/white theme.

Starting early in the morning I was on my own with the kids for the day, so I decided we should go to the zoo. I didn't have a map, but I saved some images on my ipad... and crossed my fingers.
I started out great, then got off the freeway and started driving though Switzerland (Basel is right on the border of Switzerland,Germany and France), and then got LOST. Ugh. Driving in foreign countries really stinks... I was about to turn around, but then I said a prayer, and I saw a street that headed me in the right direction. We finally made it to the zoo!

Out of all the animals, Maddie loved the ponies the best, and wanted to ride them. But sadly, they were just for petting.

Emi's favorite were the goats that kept on licking her hands, and then she would come over and say "Mama!!" It was very cute.

Can't resist this smile.

Their favorite friends.

It was kind of funny walking around because some kids were speaking French, others German, I was very confused. What was I supposed to speak? I guess this is pretty common here because technically the city is in three countries.

The zoo also had a little aquarium.

We liked this little guy... he walked so slow, I wish I had a video camera. Maddie kept on asking me when he was going to change colors.

I love giraffes- they are so beautiful and curious. We watched them for a while they lowered their heads down to see if we had any food for them.
On our way home I got MAJORLY lost- I drove in and out of country borders and was asked a million times if I was driving my own car, and where I was going. Ugh. Yuck. I drove the driveways west/north/east... all I wanted to do was get home! After 90 minutes or so, I finally got home, just in time to get back in the car and get on a plane to fly to Berlin.
Flying is so cheap in Germany- it was only $100 to fly from the south to Berlin for our family- which is pretty awesome! It was a quick 1 hour, and we took the train into Berlin and our apartment for the next week.
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