My first two days in Berlin, I didn't take any pictures because Maddie, Emi and I took it pretty easy in the apartment, played at the parks, got used to the metro/trains, went to the mall and played with toys. This is my favorite part of vacationing. No "to do's," just wandering and having fun together. These girls are my best friends :) I loved ordering them pizza and watch them eat it, bouncing with them on the trampoline, drinking hot chocolate together, riding the "choo choos..."
Yesterday, though, we took many pictures and started the official start of our Berlin tour :)
Since I've never been to Berlin, I didn't know what to expect- but it is a really pretty city, known for it's amazing food from everywhere. It has more Michelin restaurants than I've ever seen. These are some sights we saw during our walk downtown:

There is a pretty yummy ice cream place right by our apartment that just opened up a few weeks ago. My favorite flavor is Pear- yummmm.

Not the most flattering picture :)

We took the metro downtown and started walking towards the Jewish quarter to see a little candy factory. But- on the way we saw sushi, and unanimously decided to eat here (I cannot eat pork/sausages anymore. I'm sorry to say- but we had sausage and/or any pork product for the 1st week of our trip, and I think if I see another sausage, I'm going to head for the bathroom!! Sushi was a great break!)

So good and not pork!!

We found the little candy factory...

The cute molds...
The cute candy eaters...
They liked the mint flavor the best.

All that candy got us very tired, so we headed for a park for a break.

Unfortunately, Steve brought Maddie a blanket (which was nice), but when you only bring 1 of something for 2 little girls, there is big trouble in your future :) SO, we had some big fighting over this pink blanket, and here is the sad Maddie and the happy Emilie.

A goof.

After the walk, we piled onto a river boat and checked out the city via water. It was so comfortable, I was about to fall asleep- instead Maddie did!!

Emi was a very happy clam on the boat- especially when we ordered "KIBA," a cherry/bannana drink.

Pretending to be like me. hee hee.

It was super cold today- so the girls draded this blanket back and forth...

This is the Brandenburg gate...where many tens of thousands celebrated when the cold war ended.

It's kind of funny to be in front of the gates, because there are so many random people you can take your picture with which kind of make no sense? We chose the Berlin Bear.

War heros.

Darth Vader?

A Native American Indian Chief? Whaa??

After the gate, we walked and walked... this is a view of TV tower that has a revolving cafe at the top. (I think we'll try to hit this tomorrow)

Does this picture look fake? I took it, but now that I'm looking at it, it looks like a fake picture in a video game or architectural drawing... weird!

A "Moby Dick" boat.

One of the coolest train stations that was nice when the rain poured.

Ok- so they love sausages here. And- especially Currywurst- which is a sausage with curry sauce. I haven't tried it yet, but Steve said it's pretty yummy. Unfortunately, I'm still on my pork hiatus.
Dinner was yummy at this Mexican joint- salsa, guacamole, is a nice break from the pork. Can you tell I've had enough?? ha!
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