Today was one of those days that I was greatful for being here for 1 month. I think doing a vacation in a place like this is really stressful on anything less. You rush to the 5 top ten sites, take as many pictures as you can, and then go home. There really isn't any time to just sit and take it in and not worry if you didn't get to the top of something. It has been really luxurious to pretend that we live here.

Today we went to an enormous street market that sold just about everything you can think of- sort of a parisian garage sale where 100 people line the streets with their treasures. Becky and Chris bought a bike for 50 euros! We didn't end up with anything, but it was fun just being there.

As you can imagine, the girls aren't really shoppers, but are really into playing. And, this red fence was their target :)

Unfortunately, Emi has taken every opportunity to take off her shoes everywhere we go while she's in the stroller. It has been semi-frustrating because we are always dropping shoes and having to run back and get them. She successfully lost one pair of her shoes today! I couldn't find it. But, on the upside, we bought these ADORABLE shoes for 13 euro. They have laces, and she can't take them off. Yay!

Emi with her new little shoes.

For some reason, Maddie had now adopted the "I'm a rocker" pose for all the photos! I just have to laugh :)

The little monkey herself.

We've seen violinists, singers, guitar players, etc. But, this guy was awesome. Who has a portable piano? And, he was really good!

We just couldn't leave this trip without crepes. So, even though we failed 3 times at trying to eat them (because they are on August vacation), we finally succeeded!!! Josselin was the winner!!!

Ok. I have NEVER had a crepe this good in my life. And, I can't believe I have never had them like this before. Sweet crepes are usually made with normal flour, but traditional "galettes" are made with buckwheat flour and are more savory. The french fill them with ham, cheese, potatoes, tomatoes... really whatever your heart desires. My favorite was the bree with potatoes and chives, with proscuitto on top. Wow. Seriously so good I am dreaming of it right now. (of course not so great on the diet, but that just goes out the window when you are eating one of these).
I am going home and making galletes part of my normal diet. Please be ready to have galletes next time you come over. You won't be disappointed.

Isn't it crazy that you live your life and then one day you find something and love it so much that you can't believe that you haven't known about it before? Aside from gallettes, I can't believe I have never tried cherry yogurt, but I think I could swim in the stuff. It is so good. But, I think French cherry yogurt may have something to do with it. We'll see how it compares when we get back. Again, wow.

After eating our 2000 calories during lunch, we headed over to the Paris Aquarium, but after we found out it was 20 euro for each of us, we decided to wait and see if we could get any online deals. (again, another reason to be in a place for a longer time). Instead we walked from the Eiffel Tower back home... a good 3-4 miles? (pretty good for having a 3 and 1.5 year old in tow.)

We took the Right Bank of the river.


This guy looked familiar! Benjamin Franklin on one of the bridges :)

Very cool sculptures, and of course, very cool people watching opportunities!

A view to the other bridges heading home.

I've read that instead of buying flats, a lot of people are choosing river boats as their home. But, I think they are still a pretty penny. It was really neat to see how each person decorated their "homes." This one clearly loves the rubber duckie... and owns the entire collection!

And, then there is the green thumb boat owner... the entire boat covered with plants of all sorts. Even a table covered in astro turf!

The yuppy boat owner- this is a view of the kitchen. It looked pretty posh inside, and I loved these windows.

And, finally- the typical boat owner with a little bit of "pirate" vibe.

I love the lovers sitting on the river. This place oozes looove. Steve said when he went to Germany, it was 10 times hotter, but everyone had their clothes up to their necks and down to their ankles. When he came back to Paris, he noticed immediately that even though it was cooler, the clothes were "looser!" So funny.

These little kids have been great walkers! It's so fun to be with them here.

"Rocker pose" with a slight variation!

The end of our walk... back up to Le Marais.

After finally getting home (Note: do not wear flip flops when you are planning to walk a lot. My feet are KILLING me). This is a view from our living room window. I love the top of the roofs at dusk with the sun setting.
1 comment:
WOW! It looks like you guys are having the best time. I am so jealous!! So much to see and do there and I bet the kids are totally soaking it up. I'm glad you and Steve got to get out on your own the other week - see if you can do more of that! ;)
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