But- it did rain much of today. Which at first, almost started to drag me down, but we're in Paris, right? Who cares about the rain?
So- I woke up the earliest I've woken up, put on my running shoes, and went for a run! I took a picture this morning of how WET I was when I got back, but somehow it got erased. Anyhow, it was wonderful. No one was out. The rain was pouring and I was running. I ran down from our neighborhood, crossed one of the bridges on the Seine and ran alongside the river until I thought "I better start running back!" It was great- and I'm planning on doing more of that before we leave.
We then decided to give in and pay the big EURO bucks and see the aquarium since it was a good activity to do in the rain (besides the Louvre which the kids could probably stand for 10 minutes).

Of course, it is hard to beat the Monterrey Aquarium, but I think this one stood on it's own. Not for the most amazing fish, but for the creativity that went into the concept of it. Instead of just "an aquarium" it was a CINEaquarium, which I would never think of... movie + aquarium. So, there are ten exhibits of fish, and then there is a movie theatre playing a movie (Iceage played first, and then an adorable french kids movie)... more fish... and then another movie theatre. It was very cool.

I couldn't really take pictures inside since it was so dark, but I tried to take a pic of the girls looking at fish at this very long exposure time, and Maddie disappeared because she was moving. Kind of cool!

When we got out-- it was still POURING. But, we decided to still forge ahead and visit a bakery I had read about- Bread and Roses (nevermind that it was pretty far away.. but we made it).

On a more practical note, traveling with kids is a challenge let's face it. We sometimes dream of the days when we came and could plan our days as we wished. Boy, we should have appreciated it more back then. Now, we are pushing a double stroller, making sure that everyone is fed at all times of day, kissing knees and elbows that fell on the metro or cobblestones... it is very different. Very wonderful and rewarding, and let's hope they remember 1/100 of what we did... but very different. I think this can somewhat explain why we are both DEAD tired laying on our bed.
I'm hoping for clearer skies tomorrow! Au revoir!
1 comment:
I am amazed every day to see something new and totally awesome for kids. I keep thinking surely you've done it all! Your run in the rain sounds really dreamy . . . so does that beautiful bakery. I wish you could have eaten everything!
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