Monday, August 9, 2010


I was so excited for crepes this morning, but it was a NO GO!!! As I knew already, almost all of France takes August for their vacation. So, most places are closed. But, I was hoping hoping that it would be open. But, it wasn't. Creperie Bretonne was a bust.

And then second Creperie was a bust again.

And then the third Creperie was a bust again.

AHHH! Oh well. Most of them will be open for that last two days of our stay here, so we'll be gaining our 30 lbs the end of our trip... which I guess is a good thing?

We decided to head out of the city again, to visit the French Outlets. Yes, they do exist! The mall was pretty huge, and of course had a darling Carousel.... she chose the submarine. So cute!

With a push of her button she could go up and down...

The "fancy" outlet outside of the mall wasn't really what I consider "outlet" as the stores ranged from Armani, Jimmy Choos, Versace... you get my drift. Stores that I really have never stepped foot in. But, it was fun to look.

The girls aren't very good shoppers (surprise surprise), but luckily they had a playground!

Some more playing...

After just looking at the fancy stores, we went into the big mall and hit the children's stores which I always love. Children's clothing in Europe is adorable. The buttons, the styles, colors are so different and unique. I could have dropped an easy $500. But, I contained myself. And- I love how main stores like H&M and Zara have a children's section! So, your kid doesn't have to be in glow in the dark pink and purple all the time!!! (Gymboree?) We got some cute outfits for Maddie and Emilie. I ended up getting a shirt dress at H&M...

Tonight Steve and I went on a date! With no camera, no bag, no little Emi on my hip... I felt 50 pounds lighter, but I don't have a picture :(

We planned on going to a restaurant in our neighborhood we have been checking out for a while... but it was FERMEE!!! I have really bad luck!!!

But- we found a great place where we had a yummy salad and veal stew (name doesn't really describe how delicious it really tasted).... and walked around.

And, then tried to ride the free bikes. (Paris has bike stations almost every 5 blocks that you can ride for the first 30 minutes for free (!) and then pay a really small fee after that. What a great idea!!) Unfortunately, it wasn't taking our American credit cards, but we are going to figure out a way around it if it kills us!!

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