These are some pics of our apartment:

When we came to meet the couple who normally lives in this apartment during the non summer months, I expected to be greeted by 50 somethings... but I think they were younger than us! Wow- they must have made it big early in life, or have some good trust funds... because this place is pretty huge/pretty gorgeous and pretty expensive. This is a view of the living room.

The kitchen...

The stairs going upstairs to two bedrooms...
Our bedroom for the time being...

Maddie's room...

Emilie's cute little crib...

The details in this apartment are pretty cool... my dad would love this place (as an architect).

Walking up to our apartment from the airport, we passed a million bakeries... and my stomach and heart plunged as I am now gluten free eater. The second we woke up this morning, I marched our family to the nearest "natural" grocery store, and asked "where is the gluten free section?" I stocked up on "bread," "crackers" etc. And- the stuff is SOOO good. I guess the French even do gluten free well! It is the best gluten free bread I've ever eaten. And, of course it tasted even beter with cheese and prosciutto. O MY GOSH. So yummy.

After our friends came from the airport, we decided to take a walk by the Seine where they have created a beach for the summer. On the way, we saw these cool balls where kids can roll themselves around...

I asked the girls if they wanted a turn... this was their response... not so thrilled!

By the Seine, they had "the beach" set up, with sand, lounge chairs, ice cream. It was awesome. And of course, these card board cuts outs...

Oh La La!

We stopped and watched mimes, dancers...

Ran through water misters... (so refreshing!)

Walked, walked and walked...
and then it DUMPED rain on us like I have never seen. I was soaked in about 2 minutes. The kids were wailing, wet and grumpy, so that ended our day short. We ran back while trying to dodge some of it in covered porches....
It was so nice to get back to our apartment and get warm again.
We went out to the supermarche and made potato/leek soup and chicken for dinner. Again, so yummy. Food is one of my favorite things :)
Kids are still adjusting to the time... and waking up in the night... but hopefully they'll be over it soon!
Oh yeah! I'm so glad that you are posting about all your adventures in Paris. I'm green with envy but so happy that you guys are getting to have such a cool trip.
yay! i will love reading these posts for the next month. wish i were there with you!
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