Monday, November 3, 2014


It's just another day and I'm picking up toys in the living room when I look over and see a lizard in the middle of the rug. At first it looks deceptively like Sebastian's rubber reptiles, so I start to reach over to pick it up, but then immediately realize it's real?! Real?!

A real lizard in our house. Once it realized I was on to him or her, it ran for every nook and cranny of our house- 45 minutes later I trapped it in Sebastian's closet and on my hands a knees tried to grab it with my bear hands- big mistake because the second I grabbed it, it shook from left to right and gave me a great big bite! Ah! After putting on a sock over my hand, I was able to grab it again and put it in a plastic bin to show the kids.

Here are the exhibits folks:

Bye Bye Lizzy.

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