Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sebastian's 1 year birthday!!

Poor Sebastian was sick on his birthday and completely on ibuprofen to take the edge off. We tried to keep everything pretty low key, but we had to make cupcakes at the very least!

I'm not going to lie, he is a handful. And, not just in the typical boy sort of way- although that has been a lot of work too. (Let's not forget he opened the oven - luckily while not on, opens doors already, loves to get in everything and tear everything apart, loves getting in his sister's stuff etc). He is so clingy! He cries his heart out when I put him down, freaks out if I leave the room... it is a little hard and I have been trying to figure out what to do. I really hope this is a phase, that he will quickly transition out of !!

But, aside from that, he is the most adorable, cuddily, spunky, full of energy little boy ever! He has the cutest smiles, loves to play games like "peek a boo," is starting to take a couple of steps (!!!), loves to eat dirt, is a great hug giver which is awesome! He also talks all the time- well babbles, so we are wondering if he is going to be a talker!? And, of course, he has the best hair- I love it- and will never buzz it ever! He loves all sorts of foods, and we just took him off formula to straight milk which was an easy transition. Balls are his favorite, as are sticks, and being held all the time! He also loves to play with the remote controls and pretends to turn on the TV (and sometimes he does!). How fast a year goes- and I can't wait for the next year! My favorite!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

 After we sang "Happy Birthday," he dove into this chocolate cupcake even though he wasn't feeling the best... sugar is great for your immune system, right? Yikes...

 Lol. He is trying to keep straight... I think he went to bed right after this.

But, after milk of course.

 He usually likes to go to the park, so we took him on the wagon..

And played with some balls and bubbles! I think he loved it!


Kristina said...

Happy Happy Birthday to your little dude! Such a cutie! We need to get him and my Ryan together. They will have fun getting into trouble together :)

Miriam Walkingshaw said...

In my experience boys are twice as hard as girls at this age. Too bad he was sick! We had to take Mina to the ER on her 1st bday. :P Happy late birthday Sebby!!