Saturday, September 5, 2009

Funny Sayings

Bill Cosby was right- kids do say funny things. But, when they're your kids, it is just that much funnier. Maddie is a crack up. These are my favorites over this past week.

1. (Caveat: I say "Do it Rockapella" a lot throughout my day- because I used to love the show "Where in world is Carmen San Diego?" when I was a kid... and they had an a'cappella band on it that was called "Rockapella." Whenever the band would come on they would say "Do it Rockapella.")

Me: Let's do it Rockapella
Maddie: (mad face) I'm not a Rockapella!

2. Me: Exhausted face when cleaning the kitchen
Maddie: What's wrong mom?
Me: I'm tired.
Maddie: Oh, you're tired?
Me: Yup
Maddie: Do you need a break?

3. Maddie: What's that? (while pointing at the nasty varicose vein that has started to show on my leg)
Me: A special vein that only mom has. (urgh!)


Brian and Lindsey said...

That was cute:) Don't worry I'm starting to get varicose veins too:( I think guys have it way too easy.

Ashley said...

And when you told her "Yes I need a break!" did she give you one? I hope so!