Because, potty training is one of those things that just stinks (no pun intended :)
I have been putting off potty training little M for a while now, because staying in the house in beautiful weather, or any weather for that matter, kills me... but no more! We have vowed to do it this week.
She's doing great, but I figure I'll have to lock ourselves up for the next couple of days even if it kills us. We're only at our 7th hour now, and already I'm checking to see if they have any of these in my color:

Good luck! Hope it goes well!!! Samantha only relented (at 3+ years old) when I used significant peer pressure ("Everyone else is doing it, why aren't you?"), and Grant did it all by himself at just over 2. Each kid is different, and I hope you got an easy one!!!
Not so fun.
I think it's easier to potty train them outside. If they're playing outside and they have an accident, it's a lot easier to deal with than an accident on the rug.
Good luck!
Jen H has some good advice: Take her outside & let her pee all down her legs. Perhaps that will bring on the motivation! (I believe it worked with James...)
H a n g i n t h e r e !
you go girl. give me all the tips that work, & none of the ones that don't :)
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