People swear by it- but I have such sensitive skin, that I feel like basically she put a piece of sandpaper on my face and kept on scrubbing it until I only had one thin layer of skin left. Sounds more horrible than it really was, but I may go for something a little bit less invasive next time around. But, if I look 10 years younger next time you see me- then maybe it was worth it ! Hee hee.
I also got the regular swedish massage- you can't go wrong with that. I put all of my stress in my shoulders, so this is almost transforming for me. My body feels like it can actually move again, and I can move my neck from side to side without feeling lots of pressure.
Anyway- here's to 1 more year- to the ripe age of 31. It's like wine, right? Only better with age.
Happy bday!! I can't believe it's been a year since your big bash!
Microdermabrasion is serious business. I think my face would be permanently scarred if I tried that one.
Glad you had a relaxing day!
Happy Birthday! How did it sneak up so quickly? I can't wait to see your new skin, & if given permission feel it. sounds creepy, i know, but i want to know if mdabrasion really does make it softy & refreshed.
Anywho, happy DAY!!!
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