Because Maddie has approached the toddler independant stage where she wants to do things her way, we have tried to institute "time out."
It has been really great-- we ask her to do what she needs to do- she says "no" and we tell her that she needs to take a time out. (you know the drill). As of a week ago, time out was in her crib.
But- her crib has been way too fun apparently, so we moved the time out to the most boring place I could think of in our house.
The corner of our unfurnished living room. Well, apparently, she loves it? But- not in a bad way?! Everytime she doesn't want me to brush her hair, eat her breakfast, put on her pants or fill in the blank... I tell her that she needs a time out, and when she is ready, to come and do the task.
She happily skips (?!) to time out and sits down, and then comes back and does whatever she wan't doing before. Is this for real? I was invisioning kicking, screaming, and the whole bit a la supernanny... but this has been the most effective parenting tool we have done so far.
I think the whole thing is just too good to be true, that I had to take a picture of her in time out:

Way too happy, right? At least it's working for the time being.
Enjoy the non-kicking & screaming while you have it!! We had to move from time-outs to putting noses on doorknobs. When they're not nice to the cat, they lose their cat-petting privileges (which is absolutely devastating to them).
I would let her skip, dance, sing, and boogie on over to time out....whatever it takes.
Plus, time-out is for you, too. It's to keep you from going crazy when she's not listening. Send her packing to the corner! privileges. That's hysterical.
maddie is adorable, even in time out.
i love your tall baseboards, by the way.
i literally have to pin christian down while in time's ridiculous. so enjoy your sweet little one. it sure beats my cute monster :)
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