When we went to Italy and saw the Sistine Chapel, we were packed with hundreds of tourists in 100 degree heat and had we 10 minutes to soak it all in. Of course it wasn't enough time, but I have been thinking about him lately as I have been finishing the caulking on our windows.

This has been my view for the past couple of days. My back has been spasming because it is just impossible to put caulk on the bottoms of windows for hours on end. I can't even imagine trying to paint something like the sisine chapel on the ceiling? He was amazing.

We have also been cleaning up the mess (well, okay, mostly Steve) around our house which has been great :) It's nice to work outside in the sun! Today we are having sod delivered and I'm so excited to not have mud in the front of our house anymore.

In other news, my Dad came last week and it was soooo nice to have him here. He held Emilie for long periods of time and played with Maddie, we went to the park almost every day.... it was really nice. He also got some great news while he was here- his book which he published a couple of years ago will be featured and highlighted in a new exhibit in the British Musuem! I am so proud of him and hopefully we'll be able to go to London and see it in early September. (In a nutshell, his book recreates/explores what the Aztec's biggest temple would have looked like from an architects point of view.) The museum will use his book to create some sort of large scale model of the temple to show people how the Aztec's lived.

Anyway, this was Emilie on St. Patrick's day!
Emilie is too stinking cute!
Yay Daddy Serrato! That is super exciting news!
I hope you guys can go...you're welcome to leave your lovely little ladies at the atwood house :)
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