So, I'm trying out another gym by my house (thanks H)... and I went there last night.
The place was packed with guys sweating all over and checking the girls out. This is definitely an unwanted change from my dear old YMCA with elderly people and moms. But- I guess that's the gym scene?
All I really want is to use the elipticals/weights when I'm not running outside... so I'm going to give it a chance. And- it's only 3 minutes from our house.
So, here's to saying goodbye to the YMCA and hello to the cold harsh world of the tight spandex and people flexing way too much in front of the mirrors.
That's so funny. I'll have to deal you about my current gym dilemma.
just wait till:
a) you see the man straight from the 80's with a mini-afro & a big leather back belt/brace...he's always on the treadmill, &
b) summertime comes & all the "bug boys" come. they all work out at the gym too.
but hey, who doesn't love a 3minute drive & $19 a month???
EEEEEW. I claim that's the reason I don't do gyms, but it's actually because I'm lazy.
This is the exact reason we saved up some money to purchase some workout equipment. I can't stand the gym scene. Men always checking themselves out in the mirror (thinking their pecks are increasing in size before their eyes). It was nice to have my gym only 2 minutes away, but Bally's decided to close all their gyms in Utah. Now...I am stuck at home and when the weather gets a little better I'll be spending a lot of time outside.
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