Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012 came and went by too fast- we had some very relaxing and fun fill days. Of course Christmas is filled with food- so we spent a lot of time in the kitchen, starting out with scalloped potatoes and eclairs this year!

Can you ever have enough eclairs? I say NO WAY! And- we ate every last one of these... and they were so delicious.

These are the kids' Christmas pajamas brought to us by Santa Laura! They fit perfectly :)

For Christmas eve, we had some of our old friends over for dinner, Gingerbread house making, scripture story reading and singing. We had a great night.

The next morning we found this under the tree :)

Maddie drew us some pictures and wrapped them up!

I love this note from Maddie to Emilie "I love Emi, I "Lely" or "really" do.

This girl had a great day playing with her barbies, playmobile characters and Critter mice...

And Maddie got a new bike!

Award for the silliest photo.

Later that night, we had our neighbors over for dinner and a white elephant exchange- they invited us over for Hannukah (which was amazing) and we had them over for an "authentic" Christmas- it was a great trade. Definitely want to do this again :)

1 comment:

The Mostess said...

I need to make 100 eclairs now. Your Christmas looked divine and tasty, as always. Love the kids in their cute jammers!