Steve worked on and off the week between Christmas and New Years, so one of the days we decided to head to San Francisco to see the zoo! It was awesome and the kids both loved it. I need to get a pass to this place.

We love giraffes. They just don't even seem real sometimes- especially on this overcast/mysterious day.

I'm not really sure why this is worthy of putting here- but there was a disaster/sustainability exhibit and I liked these water jugs and how they connected all of the spouts to one pipe-- the just collect rain water too. I need this for my food storage.

Emilie found a little elephant friend.

Every winter, we get ants in our kitchen. Where do they come from? Agh! We need this guy :) We also love ant eaters... not sure if they are super cuddly- but, they are so cool.

Sorry Maddie- bad picture- but we caught it right before we got on the little train.

I think Maddie's favorite part of the day was brushing the goat's hair. These guys were awesome- they didn't move one bit, and weren't dying for food (Happy Hollow!). Made me want to live on a farm, well, only if we had farm hands. ha!

Not so sure about this... those horns ARE kind of big!

Showing off her feathers.

Pretty proud of herself!

We also love spiders... well at a distance.

I thought this was a llama, but it is an alpaca. He gave me a stare down.

In Grizzly country.

Even though these guys are super ferocious, they are so so cute.

Speaking of so so cute!

And, the not so cute... if you ever want to GROSS me out completely, and hear me start screaming at the top of my lungs. Show me a cockroach. Yes, I hate them. HATE them. Here, this cockroach has it's own house? Disgusting.



Although she has gotten better- Emi is super timid on rides. But, she ended up liking it- and jumped around like a rabbit for the rest of the day :) (It kills me that my pics aren't the best... but the cell phone is just so super convenient, and not so much with my clunky 3000 pound camera.)

A Christmas/Hanukkah train? Ok!
We had a GREAT time today! I love these girls!! We ended the trip with some cotton candy, and then went home and made calzones. Was a fabulous day.
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