I downloaded my pics backwards! Yikes- Oh- well :) Here it is in backwards order! At the end of the night, we headed over to a friends party which was over the top competition! The entire night we competed head on for the title of Mr and Mrs Universe. Usually, we are totally up for competition, but since we have been a little bit busy- we didn't get ourselves together. Wha Wha Wha. This ended us in LAST place! Whoo hoo!!!

It was a SUPER fun party--thanks for the invite!!
Earlier that evening, we cranked up the Wii (my Christmas present to Steve), with some Michael Jackson. This is our favorite game by a long shot. We had our good friend Chris over... and this was the funniest site I've ever seen. They were seriously rock'n it!
Steve made a food bananza (details coming), and Emi loved the chocolate mousse. Emi does not normally have a sweet tooth (I know, amazing), but she swallowed this up in about .5 seconds!! So cute.
Happy New Year!!! (New Zealand time?! hee hee)
I love this pic!
Whoo hoo!!
For the festivities, we curled our hair and...
Painted our toe nails :)
And Steve cooked and cooked and cooked. It was super delicious- surf and turf style. It was glutony at it's best that's for sure. Lamb, crab, filet minon, scallops, chocolate moose, ceviche, shrimp... what's next gold covered salad? Ah, I ate too much!
Bad pic, but the cook at his best.
New Years Eve was rock'n at our house!! Ok, you got me. As were channel flipping, we found this totally ridiculous show called "Dance Party," airing live New Years Eve dances through the ages. It started in the early 1980s, and I just couldn't believe it was real. These people were CRAZY! (or embarrasing?) The mullets, the suspenders, the bloomers. Oh my gosh. What will they think of us in 2050?

Earlier on in the day, I went on a small spa retreat with my great friend Holly- we got mani/pedis and then sat in a hot tub, and got massages. It was so relaxing... I would love to do that more often that's for sure.
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