This morning I woke up a little earlier than the fam, and tied up my running shoes and hit the dirt. This place is a runners/bikers paradise. OM gosh. I simply can't describe the beauty of this place when you are by yourself in the middle of green grass, majestic mountains, the castles, the sound of the cow bells... it really was a moment I wish I could hold on to forever. If I was in better shape, I probably could have run for 3 hours- but I'm not, and it was getting super cold, so I started to head back.

Before we headed out of Fussen, we hit some thermal pools- which was supa supa relaxing. I could have taken pics, but I was too busy sitting my fanny down in warm water with my eyes closed. They have about 7 pools on the bottom floor with varying degrees of warmness, and salt content (you can basically float in one!), and the second floor is a sort of Turkish bath (very nude- so we stayed to the first floor :) )

We then hit the "romantic road." Which is plenty romantic- but with two kids in the back, my mind was contantly thinking "how much longer?!" I would have liked it a bit more if I was driving in a camero, and the kids were in an RV behind us! Is that too much to ask ? Ha!

Very pretty towns on the way, and towers at every turn.

So, to make a long story short, I was looking and looking for stuff for kids to do on the drive, and came across a woman who recommended a puppet theatre/museum on the way. We got lost trying to find it (which I will get to in a second), and the museum probably wasn't worth the stop given that we don't speak German (the show must have been cute if we did- so we skipped the show, and just saw the museum). Anyway- the silver lining was this courtyard in back and a super cool musuem...

This is how the ladies curled their hair way back when? wowzers- a heat wire for each piece.

A hair dryer! (Or an alien torture device!)

A braider that weaves ropes... this is especially important for us because Steve "invented" something very similar to this for medical devices... so it was so funny that we saw this! We have something so so similar to this contraption in our garage :)

A plate that they would use to make books... this is so neat to see- especially in our day of computers.

A little girl in a park. hee hee.

Another little girl in a park!
**This was a semi stressful day for me- because we didn't get GPS when we rented the car (which was the 100th thing on my list to do before we left, but I just ran out of steam). Anyway- we also didn't have a map. What were we thinking? Well, I thought I could easily unlock my phone, get a new sim card, get a plan and we should be off with google maps. Well- not so easy for a number of reasons, and I am hoping that tomorrow we will be set. But if not, I may just throw in the towel, and throw my phone in the garbage, and buy a map :)
It is incredible how dependant I have become to my phone! Good and bad thing, right?
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