We are doing the romantic road backwards, and are starting in Fussen, so of course we had to visit the famous Neuschwanstein castle!! I feel like it might be old hat to many people, but for us, it was a hit, and so gorgeous. I wish they turned this place into a hotel... I think they would get some good $$$!! When we woke up this morning, the forecast was rain all day (which I guess is pretty typical around here with these mountains.) It was a perfectly perfect romantic backdrop to this amazing place.

As you walk up to the castle, you can choose to walk 30 minutes uphill or take a carriage, and Maddie was beside herself when she heard the word carriage, so it was a no brainer. These are the little ones as we are waiting for the next carriage...

Our two studs!! Man, these guys are strong!!

When you get up to the castle, you can take a path to Mary's bridge which has the best views of the castle, so of course we opted for that. The landscape is gorgeous

A view of the other castle as we are walking to Mary's bridge. I can't believe this place exists!!

Two happy hikers..

Well, one of them wasn't so happy, so she got a lift.

This place is right out of a storybook. Unfortunately, they dont' let you take pictures inside, but the tour is pretty quick since only 1/3 of the castle was completed. But, the rooms that were completed were definitely castle material- paintings of Wagner's operas on every square inch of the walls, woodwork to die for...

A Pic taken from Mary's bridge and Emilie saying "CHEEEEESE."

I'm not super afraid of heights, but when this bridge was PACKED with tourists, I definitely was thinking if those boards were going to snap!

Here's a view of the bridge over a gorgeous waterfall taken from the castle...

Now, on to the tour!!

I wish they would let you walk around the castle a little bit more, but... we did get to see these paintings on the exterior. It would have been pretty neat to live during this time (that is, if you were super rich, right?)

After the castle, we ate lunch at Hotel Muller (in the center of the little town at the base of the castle), drove home and took a nap. And, when I say nap, Steve and I crashed while the girls opened the suitcases, took out the clothes, got in my makeup and smeared it all over the beds, took all of the towels in the bathroom and played with them on the wet balcony... OH!!!! That nap was maybe not worth it :)

When we woke up, it was time for dinner (my favorite time of the day!!), so we headed to this pizza place which was voted the "best" in Fussen. I'm always skeptical when they vote things "the best," but it was really good- and steve loved his food.

I love the color combinations/designs of the facades of the houses and stores. I love this yellow/blue/black/grey theme. I'm going to copy this somehow someday... maybe the girls room?

Happy as a clam.

An even happier clam... steak with some amazing gorgonzola sauce...

By now, it was 9:30? It is still light, and the kids were full of energy, so we walked a little bit more, and headed back to the car (it was Freezing!!)

This place is simply gorgeous. A view crossing the bridge to our car.

A last goodbye to the multicolor houses... I wish we could do this back at home. Urban sprawl just isn't the same!
Gorgeous! Those are some spectacular views/castles! Can't wait to see you guys!!
Those scenes are incredible! I'll have to take my kids there someday. Love reading about your adventures :)
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