(We are now in Berlin, but our internet connection has been the pits, so I haven't been able to blog!!! So, here we go!!)
This is our second day in Rothenburg! We decided to walk outside of the outside walls ...

If I were an enemy, I would really have a hard time climbing these walls. Yikes.

Gorgeous houses outside the city- could definitely live here for a couple of days, months, years?

After our long walk, we came back to the center and heard "When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way?" from West Side Story?? There was a visiting high school band from Kansas, and they were really good.

Funny combination- Rothernburg/West Side Story/Kansas/Germans...
Maddie's favorite were the dancers.

Our cuties.

Totally enchanted.

I think I blogged about climbing this tower- this is a picture of it- doesn't seem high, but it is about 6 inches wide up there all the way around, and every time we talk about climbing a tower the immediate response is "NO!!!!"

There has been some TASTY ice cream along the way.

THE SUN IS OUT! It was overcast/rainy 99 percent of the time, and SO nice when we felt the rays!

Our last walk outside of Rothenburg.... we will miss it :)

We then took a quick 45 minute drive to Castle Colmberg which was converted to a hotel.

It was a welcomed sight when we saw it on our drive in.

The remaining wall (much smaller than Rothenburg).

The countryside is really beautiful here- it kind of reminded us of Italy in some places.

Our window from the outside...

and from the inside...

They have a beautiful courtyard outside where we ate dinner, and a playground right beside us- it gave us a nice break for us to eat dinner while they were happy playing.

The playground.

I'm going to blog about this later- but I bought these play puzzle things for kids while traveling, and I give them 6 stars! They have saved us on the plane, trains, restaurants. They are the best.

Steve had an out of body experience with this dessert - says it was his favorite of all time- Rasberries/rhubard stew with poppyseed ice cream. I agree with him- it was pretty yummy.

LOVING the teeter totter.
The light at the castle before the sun went down was beautiful, so we took some family photos...