January is a big birthday month for us... Steve's and Emilie's are a week apart at the end of the month! Unfortunately, Steve was in Berlin for a week including his birthday- so we couldn't celebrate with him on the actual day. But- don't be sorry for him- because he went sledding in the Alps with his best friend and toured around Switzerland... yes, I'm very jealous :)
The next week was Emi's birthday- and she turned the GRAND 2! It's very trite, but I can't believe time goes so fast. She is blossoming into THE cutest little girl. Her happy personality and cheerfulness around the house is contagious. Of course she still is a little shy, hates big groups, and won't let anyone take care of her... but she's getting better :) Little steps.
This week we threw her a little party with a small number of friends (scared of big groups)... we had a friend give a music class where we danced and sang. Although it took a couple of minutes, the kids definitly got into it. We had some playdough, chalk, swings in the backyard. It was very chill, but I think Emi really liked it.

Music class...

These two love eachother. (most of the time)



Thanks for taking this Steve!

My favorite picture.

Or maybe this one!

We dropped balloons down on the count of three... it was a little slow, but the kids seemed to really like it!

I totally forgot to practice with Emi to blow candles out, but she really blew them out by herself!!!

I asked her what types of cupcakes she wanted, and she said "ducky." So that's what she got! Yum!

Loves slides!

Loves her sister.

And did I mention slides?

The final shot of the party goers!
Happy, happy birthday!! Your kiddos are so darling. :)
Wish you guys weren't so far away so we could celebrate birthday's with you guys. Hope everyone had Happy Birthday's!
It looks so cute, especially the balloon picture! I am sad we missed it, but my kids are STILL sick so I think it was for the best. I love that Emilie hates crowds--my kind of girl! Well done on another great party.
yes, well done. everything was so perfect. i actually loved the balloon drop. i am always so excited for a)your adorable cakes & b)to see what shenanagins steve comes up with (giant pumpkin pinatas, bird feeders, balloon contraptions)...all amazing.
happy 2nd birthday cute emie!!!
I can't believe she's already 2! I love that last picture of all the kids--so cute!
Happy bday, Little Lady!
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