My great friend A got married tonight. This was a big occasion for us not only because we were so excited for the wedding, but because Maddie was the ring bearer. I know it's not that big of a deal, but to a 2 1/2 year old, it is a HUGE deal. We watched U tube videos, practiced walking through the house, went to the wedding rehearsal, and were just hoping that she 1) didn't fall or 2) get too scared to walk.
We are happy to report that she was stupendous! She made us both very proud :)
On a disturbing note- my camera is DEAD. Yes, DEAD. I am really upset about it, because it's one of my appendages, and a pretty expensive appendage that I need to fix pretty darn soon... so, we took the photos from our old old camera.

This is the couple after they danced the most amazing opening dance I've ever seen. They started with the typical (and shall we say somewhat boring wedding music?), and then broke out in this amazing swing/salsa
choreographed performance. It made me want to take lessons with Steve.

The wedding was in Nestldown- a secret treasure on highway 17 to Santa Cruz. Aside from being gorgeous with ponds, gigantic redwoods, and flowers everywhere, it has a little train(?), little house (pictured above) that can only be described of as Snow White's house, enchanted sculptures everywhere, an enormous tree house... it is a pretty unique place.

I didn't have my camera when Maddie was walking down the aisle because we were trying to keep everything together, but this is Maddie afterwards. She was pretty happy.
(BTW- I had to make sure that Maddie stayed sitting for 1 hour, which was a huge challenge. POPROCKS saved our lives. She's never had them before, and was mesmorized at how they were popping in her mouth. They basically kept her entertained the entire time)

Dancing the night away.

We had a great time.
1 comment:
Maddie certainly has this wedding business down. I love that you quelled her toddler behavior with PopRocks. Good mom. ;)
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