My energy level has been plummeting like nobodies business lately. Almost to the point where I couldn't stand up anymore. Usually, by this point, I then realize that it's probably my iron levels... (I've always been anemic).
So, this morning, Steve cooked me this:

It's kind of disgusting (or delicious if you are a red blooded male), that I ate this for breakfast, but it's almost like medicine. I feel like a completely different person today.
here, here. my doc told me i was borderline anemic w this pregnancy, so i've been loading up on spinach & meat. & yes, it's a whole new world of energy!
(i must be a red-blooded male b/c that pic of the steak actually looks REALLY inviting)
When I am tired it is my B12 thats low. I am glad meat makes you feel better. I am excited to see you some time...any time!
I am debating leaving a comment since I don't know you personally (if you don't remember the name, I was one of Steve's neighbors growing up) but I have this same issue of NO ENERGY all too often! With kids it is a very bad thing ;) One of my favorite things to sneak into EVERYTHING we eat is baby spinach.....so so so good for you! I puree it (thank you Jessica Seinfeld for puree ideas) along with carrots, zucchini, ground flax seeds ...whatever I have around and add it into spaghetti sauce. It ends up being about 1/3 purees (sometimes more, I watch the color--has to be red/brown or my kids won't eat it), 2/3 spaghetti sauce (has lycopene, I want my kids to gobble that too) and I think is a lot better tasting than normal sauce. My kids end up eating more sauce than spaghetti (whole grain, keeps them full)! I slip it into scrambled eggs sometimes (what kid doesn't like Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs"??). It is an experiment to get the right amount, just enough to up the health content but not change the taste into something you don't want to eat. Spinach leaves are also great lettuce replacements in sandwiches...kids never know ;) Maybe that will give you some ideas? I try to trick the kids...and myself (I don't eat much meat & I don't like plain spinach!) ;)
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