So, just in case you thought everything was free sailing at our house, let me backtrack.
The day after I posted that Maddie was a little angel in time out, we began to see the uglier, redder, louder Maddie: the Maddie that kicks, pushes, turns bright red, shrieks- not yells... it hasn't been that pretty.
Today I took her to deposit a check and was planning to drive to Costco. After depositing the check, she saw Safeway and wanted to ride the little car in front of the carts. After telling her that we weren't going to Safeway, but Costco, she completely transformed into the angriest little tomato you have ever met.
So angry, that I couldn't strap her into her carseat because she was kicking and punching me...once I got her in, she puts out her legs so I can't close the door. That was awesome. Then, she utterly loses control and starts to choke herself into throwing up. And, if that isn't bad enough, she somehow finds a way to get herself out of the carseat straps on her upper half, and hangs out on the side of her carseat trying to pull herself out of the seat while I'm driving.
I drive her home, put her in time out, go to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face.
This was the second time this happened today.
Of course I still love her! But, it is exhausting.