So, after a couple of crazy busy days, we moved in the essentials into our new house. The house is not close to being done for a long while, but it has heat, hot water and the kitchen works... so we are very greatful.
The first night we slept in the house, Steve was surprised it didn't burn down because he did all the wiring and was surprised that it all worked.
Here are a couple of quick photos for those of you who live far away....

This is the front room when you walk in the house. We have $0.oo dollars, so this will be our furniture for now :)

The front/guest bathroom.

Another look...

The front den.

The family room in the back.

The kitchen from the family room.

Maddie's room.

Another pic of Maddie's room.

Our room.

Maddie's bathroom. Yes she is spoiled.

Steve's garage. I cannot touch it.
Our second girl is due on January 24th- so it was perfect timing to move in when we did. I think I need to take 100 yoga classes to destress or maybe take a trip to the Bahamas (mentally of course) in the next week, but I am very greatful for the extra space and new neighborhood.
your house looks beautiful! i love how light-filled it is. good luck with the new baby!!!
It looks amazing! Guess all that hard work paid off! And just in case ur not sure who I am- I'm Stevens cousin Lindsey-Joes daughter
Love it, love it! So glad it's liveable!
magnificent! I am so happy for you guys. Best wishes for your delivery! Cant wait to see pictures of her.
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