But, as are most things in life, the best things are hard work and are the most fulfilling. Those first 3 months will pass quickly by...
I'm going in for another doctor's appointment tomorrow to see what we can do to not go 2 weeks over again, so my fingers are crossed for this weekend.
I hope I haven't conveyed too much dread! It's easy to complain about the hard parts but not gush enough about the wonderful parts of having a newborn. I am jealous of your photography skills, too. You will have so much fun with your new little subject. And you will have so many precious, sweet, fleeting moments. Tiny little babies are the sweetest things ever invented. I think they have to be to make up for the tiredness and craziness that comes with them.
You'll make it through!! It's definitely a transition to go from a self-sufficient little one to having another that needs your complete attention. But you've got a good attitude--survive the first 3 months and you're golden!!! And, bribe Maddy with an awesome gift from her new little sister, and they'll be friends for life (or at least until she starts crawling & getting into Maddy's stuff--that's when we heard "When are we taking Grant back to the hospital?")
I PROMISE you it goes even faster with the second one. Seriously I had Ty yesterday and he just got his first tooth. Try to breathe through the sleepless nights, take a million pictures, and give lots of hugs. We'll be thinking about you!! Miss you!
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