So- here goes--
1. I am deeply disturbed by the latest election results because they unfortunately demonstrate that negative campaigning works. Obama was doing quite well thus far until Clinton starting throwing "the kitchen sink" (as the pundits call it) at his campaign. "Obama is x, y, z." I just hated that commercial she ran about "who would you want to answer the phone in the white house at 3 am?" This was just a very low attempt to scare people into voting for her.
2. Then, when she was asked whether Obama was a Muslim... she slowly answered, as if she was puzzled, or wanted people to think he was. (She knows Obama is a Christian as they have talked about it, and he has attended the same church for 20 years or something.) Regardless- Who cares???
3. Did you see the shot when she was making fun of Obama by acting like him and saying "I have a dream etc etc?" Well, it was very offensive.
Up until Hillary started this downward spiral of throwing any and all dirt she could muster at him, the campaigns were interesting. They were actually talking about issues, worrying about how we were going to solve the problems of the world.
But now- she has turned this process into pulling the other candidate down. (should we be surprised?) Politicians are made famous for this behavior-- and this is exactly the reason why I'm not voting for her. In my opinion, she is what Washington has become and needs to change. We need someone who's first reaction is not to succumb to this nonsense.
I believe that Obama has tried to keep out of it, but because of the unfortunate reality of the situation as it now stands, he has to fight fire with fire...
which leaves the rest of us with a bad taste in our mouths.
Are we to look forward to months and months of this fighting? I really hope not.
BTW- -- I'm also disturbed by her ploy to women asking them to vote for her just because she's a woman. I hope that the feminist movement was about allowing women to use their educated minds to make decisions based on their opinions, not just because a candidate is a woman, a black, a smurf....
In the midst of this, McCain was basking in the sunshine with President Bush today. Probably thinking that he is glad that he's not in a fight with anyone....at least not for a while.
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