If I had to chose between being busy and being bored, I would choose being busy. I am so much happier when my days are packed with activities. A good day has passed when I haven't looked at my watch.
My last job was a dream job in terms of being busy. I never looked at the clock, and had so much to do (and mostly enjoyed it).
Now that I have a "mom" job, I have to be more proactive in terms of packing my days full of stuff.
I usually go to the YMCA in the morning because I get a work out and have some free time. This place is a godsend. I am so glad I signed up. (thanks Ashley) It is worth every penny.
In the afternoons, we love to hang out with friends, go the park, library... but some days I need to be more creative. I've been thinking of a class (swimming or music) to check out... does anyone have any ideas?
So far, I have really liked these sites:
I also picked up a "Sunset" magazine recently- and they listed all of the festivals that will start soon-- strawberry, artichoke, garlic, mustard.... so much fun!!
My next "trip" will be to Napa Valley. I have been dying to go there.
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