The other day my friend e-mailed me a link to one of her friend's blogs. I checked it out. From the screen, her life seemed so beautiful and perfect. The more I read, the more I was feeling "hey- why don't I have ___. Why don't I hang out with ___?"
I e-mailed my friend back and asked how it was that her life seemed so perfect. She responded with the greatest comeback "Yeah- I know, I really have a hard time reading her blog because she is gorgeous and artistic etc etc."
This is not an isolated event. I don't know how many conversations I've had where the same topic comes up...
I think you have to keep blogs in perspective. Everyone is going to write about how awesome their lives are, what trips they are planning, how many job interviews they got, how many beautiful children they have, how many cupcakes they baked...
It's not as fun to talk about the struggles, the debt, the failed relationships, the diseases.
Of course the culprit behind my feelings of inadequecy when I read these blogs is: JEALOUSY.
We all want to be attractive, popular, smart, rich, successful, etc. And, I always compare my worse traits to the best of every one elses.
But- I've decided that my 30's are going to be different! (Yes, this is the big year). I need to stop looking around and be thankful for the beautiful life that I have been given.
It isn't a race against other people, it's a race to be a good person.
Here's an article I really liked on Jealousy-- http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=88f48c6a47e0c010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&hideNav=true#1
Ok- I'm getting off my soap box now...
I totally understand!! Sometimes I have to take a break from blogs while I remember that they are only posting the best part and I only remember my worst part!! I love reading how everyone is doing and the witty remarks of my friends so it makes up for it! If it makes you feel better I read yours and am so impressed with your talents, beautiful little girl, new business, super cute figure and intellect!! oooh and new house! I love it!
I agree. I have stopped reading one blog because it just seemed too glossy and fake, which eventually becomes boring. I've also stopped reading blogs that are too negative and critical. It's a fine line to know what to share in the name of honesty and what should remain private--some hardships just seem way too personal to be published on the internet! I hate reading about people's marital problems!
First off...LOVE that image. That right there left me cracking up! I am all about blogs that show real life and celebrate it. Real life is some days are good and some days just suck...but they will egt better again. I do know what you mean though... :)
p.s.I feel a little like that when I read blogs from friends from home and think...Why don't they include me etc... It kinda hurts my feelings. But then I remember all my AWESOME friends here and think, "They miss out on knowing these people here. Lucky me!" :)
you summed it up beautifully! a seasoned attorney once told me she hated her 20s and LOVED her 30s, because we become more comfortable in our own skin and get over the idea of comparing ourselves to others! easier said than done, but alie, if i may say so, i'm super jealous of you and your many accomplishments! oh, i'm having lunch with emily tomorrow! she works 2 blocks away from me, or something crazy like that! miss you tons!
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