We were surprised at who didn't seem to know anything, and who spoke very well on the issues. I thought it was very informative.
I didn't know anything about Ron Paul- but I like how he talks-- straight to the point, and backs up everything he says with what appears to be real information. Not just rhetoric.

Bill Richardson. Well, he won't win- but he did really well- much better than some of the front runners. He knew his stuff, he was honest, and cracked a few jokes here and there...

And- then there was Hillary. Everyone I know seems to violently hate her... so I won't push any buttons. But, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I was impressed with her on Saturday night. She held her own and she knew the issues better than many of the candidates... so we'll see.
Obama and Romney. Didn't do so well in my opinion, and after watching two debates now- they both don't seem to know the issues very well. But- I'm still open to see what happens. They are both very good looking people, say all the "right" things, can rally the troops, but when it comes to the hard questions, they kind of stumble.
Who do you like and why?
I actually like a lot of the candidates--McCain, Romney, Thompson. . . . I need to see a democratic debate. That would be interesting. It's definitely an interesting race this year!
Okay, so I am so sucked into this presidential race. it doesn't help that my husband is ten times worse than me. I have an opinion about most of them, but I won't go into all of that. One thing I decided from the debate is that I had heard great things about McCain and I didn't like him so much! It will be interesting.
Did you know that (I believe, you may want to check) Independant and nonpartisan voters can only vote democratic? We just got a thing in the mail informing us of that.
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