I'm trying to get to the gym every morning. I usually feel better, and I think Maddie likes hanging out there. One of the other benefits is reading magazines that I usually don't have time to read (okay- sometimes they are completely trashy, but they are oh so entertaining.)
As an aside- I think its always funny that all of the "trashy" magazines are never to be found (because they are on someone's eliptical or treadmill)- and "Newsweek" and "The Economist" are always on the racks....
But- to the real point: Today- I grabbed Newsweek. It's hard for me to "read" since I am running- but today I tried my best. And- boy was I glad.... (here's why)
Now that I'm a mom, I hang out with other moms sometimes, and see their little girls.... who are OBSESSED with being princesses. They have the dresses, the tiaras, the shoes, and they skip and twirl around while they are on top of the world. This is all new to me, and I never had this obsession when I was a girl, so I've been asking my friends if they had the same obsession. No one did.
So- why the obsession now? No one seemed to have the answers.
UNTIL NOW! Newsweek had my answer this morning! I was glued to the page.
Apparently- Disney launched their "princess" target market to the "teeny boppers (sp?)" a few years ago, but didn't realize the real potential until it hit the little girl market-- which boomed. It is now a 4 billion dollar market! (one of the most sucessful ventures ever).
According to the article- the princess theme is no accident because the fairy tale princess theme is very universal-- the girl who started from "humble beginings to become a beautiful princess." Who doesn't want to feel special, right?
Anyway- here's the article:
http://www.newsweek.com/id/70985Good Job Disney! I need to buy some of their stock. (but its probably too late!)