It's that time again, where the best food is eaten at one dinner. I love everything about Thanksgiving. It is delicious. Although I'm not the biggest turkey fan, Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving without turkey.

The only tricky part is figuring out how you're going to cook it. It always turns out the best when you "brine" it-- and I'm going to try a new recipe for tomorrow. (We are cooking two turkeys for a pre-thanksgiving dinner for the youth at church)

Last year, some of my co-workers and I deep fried the turkey- and it was pretty good-- but most importantly, it was fun to stand around the deep fryer all night waiting in anticipation for it to come out. I never saw this type of cooking before, so it was pretty cool-- and very fast.

I hope my turkey looks as good as this, but its okay if it doesn't. I still vote that
stuffing is the
best thing for Thanksgiving dinner. I could eat it by the pound fulls.....
1 comment:
...But gluten-free stuffing??
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