My friend let me take pictures of her toddler for a little "photo shoot." I am in no way a professional, but I really really love taking photos. I bought Adobe Photoshop CS3 and lightroom a while ago, and had so much fun playing with the photos.
Why didn't I know of this love affair before? I guess our lives unravel in unexpected ways and you find things out about yourself that you never knew.
So- if I could- I would go to THE BROOKS INSTITUTE to study photography. That would be really cool. But- 100% not going to happen since it's in Santa Barbara and pretty expensive (I don't want any more school loans).
Or- the Rocky Mountain School of Photography. They have a summer intensive course where you move to Montana and eat, breath, and sleep photography until you come out a pro. Now, that is awesome. I would love to do that someday.
Isn't life so great when you find something that you love???
I LOVE the photos! You definately should do one of those courses! Get Steve to take a sabbatical for the summer while you move to Montana for the Rocky Mountain one. I see a future here! Hey, it beats the law, right?
Those photos are absolutely my favorite. Feel free to post a couple to show the world what great pictures you took. I love the one with Charlie and the cat.
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