Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting Ready for Preschool and Riding a Bike!

Everyday we have been practicing riding this little bike, first we started it like a balance bike, then put the pedals back on, went to the park down the grassy hill, and then down the street... and by George, she got it! She is about the cutest thing watching ride this little bike around while she sings at the top of her lungs. I love going out with her everyday and watching her ride up and down the block and practicing her turns... great summer memories!

 We are also psyched to start Laurelwood Preschool in a couple of weeks- and went to a storytime at the pakr. Can you tell she excited with this smile?

I can't believe this one was starting preschool two years ago? Time really goes by too fast when you measure it by growth in children.

Having tons of fun together- I love how much they play together- it is one of the best blessings ever! How I would have loved to have a sister so close to me!!

Marshmallows and a bee

We have roasted a lot of marshmallows in our backyard this summer... they are so good! Last weekend we invited our neighbor over and sat down to enjoy some, when Maddie walked into a bee?! It stung her right on her fourth finger, and she quickly recovered, but her hand ballooned over the next couple of days! Like always- we debate back and forth:

1. Should we take her in?
2. Will they be able to do anything?
3. (Sadly we think) How much is the bill going to be? (With 2K for our last 911 call- it's on our mind!)

Steve is so lucky to work with a doctor and we don't call on him too much, but this time we did- and we nicely wrote a prescription for some steroids to reduce the swelling. Thanks C!!!

I love opening our backdoors at night...

 Both Maddie and Emi are getting really good and toasting...

 And Exhibit A:
 This picture doesn't look as bad as it was in person. I felt so bad for her, and everyone kept on looking at me sideways like I was crazy I hadn't taken her in- but there is nothing you can really do! I think we definitely will look into getting an epipen next time we go in, because after 3-4 bee stings, this girl might be growing an extreme allergy!!